
About this Project

Palabra is a project intended to a guide for writers, to use version tracking, revision control, repository storage and collaboration software.

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About this Project

This project is intended to provide two things for the 21st Century writer. First, a guide to version tracking, revision, and collaboration for writing. Second, a set of open-source tools for writers, including a writer's database useful for tracking submissions and a set of useful computer scripts for manipulating written texts and collections of written texts.

important note: I'm just a writer looking for tools to help other writers do more powerful things with their text. This is my first Github project. I'm new to all of this and this project could use your input, contributions and advice! I've blogged about my thoughts:


Significant portions of the text on this site have been adapted from "Git for Writers" which was originally created by Gewgaws Lab at the Illinois Institute of Technology. The original framework for this website was provided by the Reusable Jekyll Site Framework. This site is hosted by Github. Its content is managed with Jekyll and edited with Sublime Text (for offline edits) and Prose (for online edits).

About Git for Writers